Friday 18 February 2011

Vintage inspiration

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my new blog! A quick introduction... I am a Leicester based photographer, specialising in Wedding and Family Portraits. I have been spending (probably too much) of my time recently messing about with my website, trying to give it a more personal feel, and decided I would create a blog to upload all of my various ideas and interests which float in and out of my mind throughout the day!

So, without further adieu, let's start with my most recent brainwave; Whilst surfing the internet yesterday, looking at wedding  fayres around the general Leicestershire area, (Which, by the way, seem few and far between and very corporate affairs.), I found myself getting sucked into the browsing of vintage faryes instead... not very productive, but it got me thinking and I had a lightbulb flashing over head moment... "Vintage wedding farye!!".

I proceeded to get quite excited by this and sent a few emails out to local venues where such an event could be held. I'll hopefuly be meeting up with some people to discuss it further very soon, all exciting stuff!

I'll leave my first post with this pretty picture I found whilst again being non productive and googling silly things when I should be working... Lovely colours for inspiration though!